Saturday, September 3, 2016


So Fall is upon us and i just feel so Enchanted in this outfit by (Kool Kidz) This outfit does not just come in baby toddleedoo sizes oh no it comes in TD baby TD kid SMB and regular kid avi. Kool Kidz has many outfits pants shirts and a wide cool collection of gacha machines. So i was asked to pick something and blog which normally i suck at picking but this outfit Enchanted stood out to me. It  spoke to me called to me whispered ...... fall is coming then i knew i was in trouble i had to have this outfit. The colors on it are amazing orange black yellow  and oh so cool 3dish design every thing that represented Enchanted and fall to me. It has a jacket pants and even socks so if this fall you wanna look kool and stylish make sure to go down to (Kool Kidz) and get some of these outfits including Enchanted. Down bellow are a few pictures to show you how awesome this outfit is i used my unicorns to add even more Enchantment. Hope you enjoy.


**cute bytes** Toddleedoo babygirl v.2.6
yes i switched to babybirl cause with the mesh heads there not made for the boys body but there is no diffrence in boys and girls besides the head fitting right
**cute bytes** baby mesh head #2 booboo
**cute bytes** baby elven ears naked
mayfly deep sky eyes (forest green shadow)
*dura boys and girls* 31 darks fat pack

(Kool Kidz) Enchanted outfit (all kids baby sizes)

If you havent seen my first two taxis and really want this outfit here is your TAXI

Big thanks to Kool Kidz and Wyatt

Heres a little song while browsing the blog

So as my hero Ned Stark said so well hmmmm well ok its my version of his saying Fall Is Coming lol