Sunday, July 31, 2016


I WANA BE THE VERY BEST LIKE  NO ONE EVER WAS TO CAPTURE THEM IS MY REAL TEST TO TRAIN THEM IS MY CAUSE........... So i have been a fan of pokemon sense the day it came out. Now everyone and their grandmas love pokemon cause of pokemon go.  Well another fan of the original pokemon has made some awesome things for us pokemon fans.  See it all started when i was tryn to catch me a charmander and well he decided to be a booger then the pokemon servers went down and i cried. Then BOP came along and cheered me all up by making the best awesomest tank set ever yes you heard me right pokemon tank tops for Toddleedoo kids and babys and smb and each tank you get comes with a pair of pokeball shorts thats pure amazing right there. The tanks feature pikachu charmander bulbasaur squirtle snorlax a pokeball togepii jigglypuff and slowpoke. I will wear them all to be the very best oh yea if you wana be a real pokemon master then get down to bop and try this amazing gacha at the BOP store each try is 75l well well worth it.

Bad Seed head fae
Toddleedoo girl body
Dura hair

BOP  casual outfit charmander
BOP  casual outfit pika
BOP casual outfit pokeball

The gacha for these items can be found right HERE

Thank you to BOP for letting me blog this awesomness and for making a great pokemon item.

Heres a little nostalgia for you all

Till next time remember pokemon arnt tools or weapons there our friends and companions so treat them with respect and love them.